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Draw cartoon clouds in Anime Studio

Draw Cartoon Clouds In Anime Studio

1 comment

Tutorial Number: 254
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 10
Level: Basic

In this tutorial we will create some paper / cartoon looking clouds in Anime Studio

1. Draw Cloud Shape

1. Select the Draw Shape Draw Shape tool
2. Select the oval shape
3. Draw an oval shape on the scene.
draw the basic shape
FIGURE 1-1 draw the basic shape

2. Draw Profile Curve

1. Select the Add Point Add Point tool.
2 & 3. Click then drag to the second point to create two points.
4 & 5. Click and drag up to create the third point.
draw the curve (Animated: 5 frames)
FIGURE 2-1 draw the curve (Animated: 5 frames)

3. Round Profile Curve

1. Select the Curvature Curvature tool
2 & 3. Click on the top point and drag to the right to round the curve. (Right = round, Left = sharp)
Round the curve
FIGURE 3-1 Round the curve

4. Connect Cruve Profile

1. Select the Translate Points Translate Points tool
2. Click on the drawn cloud
3. Select the Curve Profile Curve Profile tool
4. Click on the curve profile line that we drew in step 2
5. Change the 'Repeat count' to 10
Connect the curve profile to the shape (Animated: 5 frames)
FIGURE 4-1 Connect the curve profile to the shape (Animated: 5 frames)

5. Move Points

1. Select the Translate Points Translate Points tool
2. Click on a point in the cloud and move it to get your desired cloud shape. Notice how the curves are affected with the position of your points.
Move the points to create your cloud
FIGURE 5-1 Move the points to create your cloud

6. Style Clouds

1. Select the cloud with the Select Shape Select Shape tool
2. Select the 'Advanced' style option so that you can apply more than one style
Select the 'Advanced' style option
FIGURE 6-1 Select the 'Advanced' style option

3. Set Effect 1 to 'Gradient'. Set the colours to go from white to light grey.
Style Options
FIGURE 6-2 Style Options

4. Change the direction of the style so that it goes diagonally.
5. Set Effect 2 to 'Drop Shadow' (The default setting is fine for this example) - Note, shadows can also be set in the layer's settings.
6. Turn off the Stroke if it's on.

Copy the layer a few times. Move and resize them and you'll soon have a nice looking sky.

Final Result
FIGURE 6-3 Final Result

The 'Supporting Content' below contains the final file - saved using Anime Studio Pro 10.0

Supporting Content

Download Details
Zip File Size: 12KB
Last updated: 19 Mar 2014 05:04:13
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 10
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