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2 Point Perspective Interior In Moho

2 Point Perspective Interior In Moho


Tutorial Number: 380
Made with: Moho Pro 12
Level: Intermediate

I admit, I'm not that great at making background art in Anime Studio as I'm way more comfortable with other programs like Illustrator because of their tool sets but I also know that many of you would like to know how to do all of your creating in Anime Studio or MOHO so I made this.

It just shows the basic principals of using vanishing points just as you would if you were drawing on paper and truthfully, it get easier and easier as you do it.

This was fun but it took a lot longer than usual for me to do (about 2 and a half hours) as it's still a new process to me as well.

Hopefully some of you guys find this useful and if you have questions about it I can try and answer!

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Added: 20 Oct 2016
Tutorial Views: 3498
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