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Found 17 results for setup
Arms and Legs
Arms and Legs - Anime Studio 7 Pro Tutorial
19 June 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial that was originally done and described by Funksaname on the anime studio forum. It is a technique for users can use to make great looking bending arms and legs without the use of anime studio patches or using masking techniques! Again, this is not my idea, all credit goes to funksmaname!!!!

Animated Bone Targets
Animated Bone Targets - Anime Studio Tutorial
11 October 2015Smith Micro Graphics

New! Animated Bone Targets - Now you can easily switch from one target bone to another when working with animated bone targets. Animating objects where a handoff occurs is now easier and smoother than ever.

Lip Sync: Smart Bones
Lip Sync: Smart Bones - Anime Studio Tutorial
27 August 2015Jared Hundley

Working with Anime Studio Pro, we create mouth phonemes through masked layers and smart bone actions. This setup helps us have infinite mouth combinations and to complete manual lip sync in a unique, efficient way.

Smart bone rigging in AS 9 Pro
Smart bone rigging in AS 9 Pro - Anime Studio 9 Pro Tutorial
1 October 2012Funksmaname

In this video Funksmaname shows how he set up a doll character rig in Anime Studio 9 Pro using the new Smart Bones

Anime Studio Forum Link

Smart Bones in Anime Studio 10
Smart Bones in Anime Studio 10 - Anime Studio Tutorial
2 March 2014Smith Micro Graphics

Using smart bones in Anime Studio pro 10

Basic Eye Rig
Basic Eye Rig - Anime Studio 9 Tutorial
5 October 2012AnimeStudioTutor

This tutorial shows one way to set up a basic eye rig in Anime Studio, using bones and masked layers.

Using the 'Bone Offset' tool the pupils can be moved quickly with ease.

There are two examples:
1. Pupils on one masked layer - Pupils can cross over to the other eye
2. Pupils split into two masked layers - Pupils can't cross over

Setting up body turn Moho
Setting up body turn Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
23 April 2017mtbuck24

In this lecture I will show you step by step how to set up your rig for a body turn using smart warps

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Inverse Kinematics In Moho Pro
Inverse Kinematics In Moho Pro - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
23 April 2017mtbuck24

Inverse Kinematics is used both in animation and in rigging. We are going to focus on how inverse kinematics is set up when rigging your character.

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Cartoon Saloon Anime Studio Pro Workflow
Cartoon Saloon Anime Studio Pro Workflow - Anime Studio Workflow
11 October 2015Smith Micro Graphics

See how Jeremy Purcell from Cartoon Saloon uses Anime Studio Pro.

Shape Stacking pt 3
Shape Stacking pt 3 - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
17 June 2012Funksmaname

This one is less about shape staking, but shows a simpler eye setup.
I also discuss Ramon's Lost Layer tool, and Synthsin's mod of Fazek's meshinstance script (I didn't realise Fazek created this originally hence no mention on the video, but Synth's version is the one I use)

I touch on the very basic fundamentals of using Selgin's 'new improved head turn' technique as well.

for discussion and links - come to the forum post:

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 17