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Found 5 results for text

Animated Happy Text GIF
Animated Happy Text GIF
7 March 2016 admin

Making an animated GIF image in Anime Studio is very easy.

You can change the happy birthday text to anything you like.
The shadow is a referenced layer so that text will also need to be changed.

The image uses very few colours - which is best for a GIF.
To get the best results, render a frame where all the used colours are showing, then click the 'Sample GIF colours' button in the render preview window. Then File > Export Animation > Format: Animated GIF > select as few colours as possible from the 'Animated GIF Options' drop down. It be be worth turning off dithering for better cleaner results.

Zany Zebra
Zany Zebra
26 August 2016 mattchee

It's Zany Zebra time!!!

Audio credits:
Splat sound effect recorded by Mike Koenig, available through, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
"Move Your Body" licensed for use from
Forest sounds are public domain, available through

Randy the Dandy
Randy the Dandy
23 July 2017 awbill

PNG files with bones, masks for text, masks for spray, masking for mirror, bone dynamics. A silly limerick based on the cave man theme.

Web of Mystery
Web of Mystery
2 September 2017 emdunwiddy

All the townspeople are in a panic! A monster is happening! And there is pollution! Who can untangle this web of mysteries? Why, none other than the Wisecracking Car that Solves Mysteries and his friends, of course!

Running on the DuMont Network on Saturday mornings from 1971 to 1974, the Wisecracking Car that Solves Mysteries was a cultural phenomena that delighted the nation. It spawned a spin off TV series (the Morose Boat that Fails to Solve Anything), a live action movie, board games, Broadway shows, and an ill-fated text adventure game for the Sinclair ZX80 computer.

Image Textures in Anime Studio Example
Image Textures in Anime Studio Example
11 May 2013 admin

This quick example file shows a few ways to use image textures with vector layers in Anime Studio

Starting at the top left and going clockwise:
1. This star has bones to manipulate its shape. Notice how the image texture bends and morphs.
2. The texture is moved and resized
. Only the stars points have been moved
4. The vector layer has been scaled and rotated
5. The layer has been moved and rotated

*The image texture is added as a style effect

Showing tutorials 1 to 5 of 5