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Character Design In Anime Studio

Character Design In Anime Studio

1 comment

Tutorial Number: 343
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 11.2
Level: Intermediate

I made it this video long because I want beginners in particular to see how long it actually takes to put a character together. This isn't even the most complex character I've seen and it took a few hours to make it look and function right. I've run into a lot of problems when I first started using Anime Studio and truthfully I still do but it's really just about figuring out how to solve the problem and a lot of my solutions are in this tutorial!

I really didn't want to make another super long video but there were just to many people asking me to make it so I had to give it a go. I think short tutorial for awhile is the way to go for awhile anyway. (I know, I said that last time!) In any case, please let me know if you found this useful, if it was good, bad, boring, helpful….whatever it may be. I want to make the best videos I can and really appreciate all input. Also, for any Anime Studio users, question. Would this type of character you would buy or would your rather make try and make it yourself? I'm asking because I'm going to start making artwork animations to sell online and want to know what animators are most interested in. I'm going to continue to make tutorials and then try and sell items I think you guys would like so let me know!


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Tutorial Author
Added: 22 Mar 2016
Tutorial Views: 8278
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