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1099 Ep. 2 "Craigslist Casper" - Made with Anime Studio Pro


As any videographer, or career artist, would know, the phrase "it'll be great exposure" gets old...real fast. Further confounding is the fact that the whole point of an art related career is to CREATE EXPOSURE for the client...not the other way exchange for no pay.

So anyone tired of being offered "EXPOSURE" here's a nice rant video you can use to reply to those pesky Craigslist ads made by some bozo in a basement trying to make a quick buck off your time.

AND YES THIS IS REAL - I will BE REPLYING TO CRAIGSLIST ADS and SENDING THEM THIS VIDEO saying it's a link to my reel...flame wars may ensue...who knows.

But it would also be fun if anyone who likes this video ALSO PLEASE - send this as a reply to CRAIGSLIST ADS looking for a free videographer. It'll be fun to mess with their heads.

"Craigslist Casper" is episode 2 of my animated series, 1099. It is made with Anime Studio Pro and some help with After Effects.

The main theme is by and that nifty ending music is made by Rick Szybowski - check him out if you need a music score at

For more info about Anime Studio Pro visit Smith Micro's youtube channel at

Thanks for watching. For more videos and animations please visit

Psynema - Philadelphia Video Production and Animation

Author Gary
Added on the 20 Nov, 2016
74 Vimeo views