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Eve of October Episode 1


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American Anime:
Eve of October Started as a Comic Concept back in the Mid 90's. I wanted to combine several Genres of Science Fiction in one series; In addition to that, I wanted to tell a story in a much different universe. Typical SciFi stories take place in space... Eve would take place in a universe of "Dimensional travel". It would consist of many Universes that that shared a common crossroad.

The character Eve is actually Immortal, and struggles with her own mortality. The story continues to unfold as she find herself in the middle of a conflict (between The Bauhlor and the Tupaul... The two forces that maintain realities balance).

This project has been in development for a longtime. It has finally come to light as a three film series (The first one released on Amazon as a DVD and Rental).

My creative team consists of the most talented Composer, Writer, and Voice Talent to grace the youtube world .

OVA 1 and 2 Written, drawn, and produced by Myself... Mars Marshall
OVA 2 Written by Chris Parmenter

Music Composition by George R. Powell

3D modeling (OVA 2) Patrick Boisvert "Psyko Pat"

Featuring the Voice Talents of...
Laura Post, Natalie Van Sistine, Kieran Flitton, Brian Tubbs, Dreux Ferrano Jr., David Dixon, Josh Zygman, Edward Bosco, Scott Stoked, Xander Mobus, Dan Conlin, Constance HowardDavid Doyle, Robert S. Benjamin, Eileen Montgomery, and Ariana "Viridiane Siarkiewics".

Such an incredible journey of talents... I hope you all continue to follow this series.

Sincerely Mars R. Marshall

Author neomarz1
Added on the 12 Nov, 2017
1,095 YouTube views