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Kamilla & Chomblay - Episode 2 (Cartoon Animated Short Story) 2d Animation


Kamilla & Chomblay - (Cartoon Animated Short Story) 2d Animation - "The Legend of Bigtoe"

Tired and in need of the comfort of their beds, Kamilla and Chomblay continue their story in the treacherous and mysterious mountains. Along their journey home, they find themselves in a state of panic caused by phantoms. After battling with the strange happenings of the forest (and their own minds,) they finally find the path which leads them safely home.

#CartoonStory #CartoonVideo #2dAnimation

Tags: cartoon video, cartoon story, cartoon full, cartoon episodes, cartoon short, cartoon full episodes, cartoon movie, cartoon animation, cartoon full episodes, cartoon tv shows full episodes, cartoon hd, cartoon short film, animated stories, animated short film

Added on the 7 Jul, 2019
75 YouTube views