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ArtRage 2.5 + Anime Studio Pro


First (and probably only) test of cartoon animation.
I had to make that little cartoon to announce the second pregnancy of my GF, mother of my children.
I didn't have much time to do it so I needed easy and efficient tools.
ArtRage 2.5 was perfect to draw my caracters and sets, it's amazingly simple and efficient! I wanted something that didn't look like most flash animation found on the internet, with flat colours or simple gradients. ArtRage could make a "painting" effects in seconds for the "pencilly" challenged like me.
And it's so cheap I felt like I was stealing the software :) (version 3 was more expensive but didn't add anything I needed)
Anime Studio Pro is pretty straightforward too, I just looked at the manual for a few things but if you ever used Photoshop and Premiere you can pretty much use Anime Studio Pro like you've always known it.
I edited everything in my good "old" Premeire CS3 and added a bit of Magic Bullet Looks, with white diffusion, vignette and a few things from misfire.
I wanted something that looked like "Woody's Round Up!" in "Toy Story 2" but the vintage film effect didn't make it because the mother of my children didn't like it.
The fonts used for dialogues are from LucasArts earlier point and clic games such as Monkey Island. I tried to make my son speak like Stan from Monkey Island but it didn't look like him so I his arms movements a bit.
I didnt have much time for sound editing too. I tried to make my son speak, but he won't talk as soon as my sound recorder is on.
Music is from Zelda.

Author Mr Teatime
Added on the 10 Feb, 2014
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