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How to use Actions to speed up your animating work

How To Use Actions To Speed Up Your Animating Work


Tutorial Number: 432
Made with: Moho Pro 12
Level: Basic

This tutorial might be a little confusing because I ramble and I don't edit my videos much so bare with me because this one can REALLY, REALLY help you speed up you animation workflow! Actions have been a part of MOHO/Anime Studio for a long time but I'm kinda slow so I didn't really recognize the power they have and how helpful they will be to anyone learning how to use these programs.
Actions are small (but can be very long and complex) animations that you can save and reuse throughout your animations. They can be tricky to learn but once you do, you'll use them all the time!
Hopefully, I explained it well enough but I'm just getting use to using them as well but if you have questions, just ask in a comment down below. You can also check for other tutorials on youtube that explain actions or go to the MOHO Pro 12 facebook page or SmithMicro official forum if I can't help! In any case, it's something worth knowing!

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Added: 3 Dec 2017
Tutorial Views: 4216
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