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Switch Layer Dials

Switch Layer Dials


Tutorial Number: 356
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 11.2
Level: Intermediate

I thought I'd make a video on how to make a smart bone action control switch layers. I also wanted to show a quick set up on making a smart bone dial that is set away from the character.

I should also mention if you want to make a visual reference smart bone you can just make it so it just controls a specific switch layer off to the side without linking it to another bone as well.
The reason I made the first example linked to the hand is so that in a busy scene, your control will always be near the hand!

My character was just getting too many switch layers in it so I'm in the process of creating a few of these switch layer controls and I thought I'd share as always!!! smile

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Added: 20 Jul 2016
Tutorial Views: 4648
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