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Song of the Sea (2014) Films made with Moho (Anime Studio) [6/8]

Song of the sea

1hr 33mins, Cartoon Saloon, Ireland

Ben, a young Irish boy, and his little sister Saoirse, a girl who can turn into a seal, go on an adventure to free the fairies and save the spirit world.

"Moho (Anime Studio) is dotted throughout Song of the Sea. We animated a lot of environmental elements, especially underwater scenes, where we did all the seaweed floating in Moho (Anime Studio). This lead us to animate five underwater scenes completely in Moho (Anime Studio). I found it a versatile animation tool which helped us achieve the final product."

-Jeremy Purcell, EFX Supervisor for Song of the Sea, Cartoon Saloon

Here are a few scenes that were created with Anime Studio:

Song of the sea

Moho Song of the sea

Director: Tomm Moore

Release Date: 10 July 2015 (UK) 



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