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Cluckie the Vampire Chicken (2008) TV series made with Moho (Anime Studio) [2/14]

The wonders of the ancient stories

5 x 1 minutes episodes, Created by Stu Gamble and Dan Blamaam, Freakish Kid

Cluckie is a vampire chicken who is forced to hunt chickens by day because they are on total lockdown at night. Seeing as vampires explode in sunlight, our fanged and feathered anti-hero must devise ingenious sun-dodging ways to protect himself and get his grub!!

Cluckie the vampire chicken

They produced a series of five, one minute episodes for Nickelodeon UK, the aim of the show was to try and capture the essence of the golden age of animation whilst updating it in a contemporary way for today's audience. Below are the episodes:

Their 'Art Of' section is available on the web archive, where you can read about the whole production process from original pitch to the final movie sequences:



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