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Los Proceres mas Posers (2017~) TV series made with Moho (Anime Studio) [11/14]

Los Proceres mas Posers

Productora Houston, Chile

The 2D animation series by Houston Productions was developed thanks to the CNTV award obtained in 2014 and with the support of Gabriela Mistral University. It is in the process of being animated to be broadcast very early on TVN.

The Houston Productions team includes: 

Director: Juan Carlos Núñez Oyarzún 
Executive Producer: Marcia Núñez Oyarzún 
Animation Director: Nicole Ponce Villagra

There are about 30 professionals working on this project, including illustrators, screenwriters, storyboard artists, actors, entertainers, musicians, etc.

"Los Proceres mas Posers" is a series of 13, 2D animations that tell segments of Chile's history in an entertaining way, through its protagonists. In other words, transforming a historical event into an entertaining and engaging event for the viewer.

Los Proceres mas Posers

The series features as a protagonist, Gabriel, a naughty boy of 10 years who accidentally activates the time machine that hides the history professor and inventor, Dimitri Angulo, bringing to the present the father of the country Bernardo O'higgins in a child's body. The latter loses his memory and can not return to the past, endangering the independence of Chile.

Chapter by chapter comes a different hero, either to help Bernardo to recover his memory and return to the past or to help Dimitri and Gabriel to solve the mess they get into. They also receive the collaboration of Rocío, an intelligent and popular girl with whom they will embark on the adventure to return the hero to the past.

According to its creator and director, Juan Carlos Núñez, "Los Proceres mas Posers, contains characters that allow identification with traits of Chilean society. The viewers recognize the heroes and the facts that are part of their national history ".

Bernardo O'Higgins

Each of these heroes, ranging from the same Bernardo O'Higgins to characters like Paula Jaraquemada or Caupolicán, tell an important fact of the history of our country and participate in the events that occur in the chapter.

The great villain of the series is Don Paolo, who with his Roman robot cat will devise various plans that will endanger the teacher's secret inventions and the hidden identity of Bernardo. 

The main stage in which the series is developed is the school, which houses Professor Dimitri's secret laboratory, the center of operations of Don Paolo, the school's director, the Fifth B classroom and the patio.

The humor in the series is very important and will appeal to children and adults. "For reference we use series like The Simpsons, 31 minutes, Adventure Time and The Incredible World of Gumball, with nods to pop culture classics, current stories and jokes that are part of our idiosyncrasy," Núñez says.

Making of video - Shows Moho (Anime Studio) in use.



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