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Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio

Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio

1 comment

Tutorial Number: 337
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 11.2
Level: Intermediate

I KNOW! Over an HOUR for a tutorial? I must be smoking something right? Well, this is actually trimmed down! I could have made the artwork and just made a basic turn but I wanted to go into detail on how I created a body turn from the very start. I personally think it is important to show the whole process because for one, it can give you a sense of how much time it might take and two, it's easier to share little tips and tricks I've learned while using this program. So many times I watch tutorials that are so good but leave out little tid bits or leave out problems they encounter which, if shared would have saved me tons of time. more

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Added: 6 Mar 2016
Tutorial Views: 7147
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