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Found 240 results for basic
Shape Tool
Shape Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The draw shape tool allows you to quickly create a verity of shapes without having to draw each point individually.

Select Shape Tool
Select Shape Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The select shape tool allows you to select a shape so that you can edit its style.

Select Points Tool
Select Points Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The select points tool allows you to go into the layer that you're working on and select points to manipulate the objects on that layer.

Scale Points Tool
Scale Points Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The scale points tool allows you to increase or decease the size of selected points.

Scale Layer Tool
Scale Layer Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The scale layer tool allows you to scale all of the contents on the selected layer.

Rotate Points Tool
Rotate Points Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The rotate point tool allows you to rotate selected points in the current layer.

Rotate Layer Tool
Rotate Layer Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The rotate layer tool rotates all of the objects on the current layer.

Translate Layer Tool
Translate Layer Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The translate layer tool translates or moves all objects on a selected layer.

Paint Bucket
Paint Bucket - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012

The paint bucket tool allows you to apply the current selected fill, stroke or both the objects that you click.

3D Creation
3D Creation - Anime Studio Pro 7
6 June 2012

Although Anime Studio is a 2D program, it does have some 3D features such as the ability creating a 3D shape from a vector layer, these 3D objects can then be animated within the program. They can also be saved as .obj files.

Showing tutorials 11 to 20 of 240