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Found 15 results for face
Rigging a Mouth for a Detailed Head Turn
Rigging a Mouth for a Detailed Head Turn - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 January 2014LilredheadComics

In the second part of our advanced head turning tutorial series, we rig up a mouth capable of movements via a Smart Bone. Like the eyes in part 1, this will allow us to create a more polished head turn in our third part.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Adding Facial Highlights to a Character
Adding Facial Highlights to a Character - Anime Studio Tutorial
23 February 2014LilredheadComics

In part 3 on our series for shading, we add some highlights to the character's face to give the piece more volume. This includes adding highlights to the character's eyes as well. We do this with Anime Studio's Draw Shape and Add Point Tools.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5

Adding Torso Shading in Anime Studio
Adding Torso Shading in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
23 February 2014LilredheadComics

Now that we have the face shaded, we can bring our focus to the character's torso. Continuing on with using the Add Point, Create Shape and Curvature tools in Anime Studio, we will create and shadows and shading for the character's body.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5

Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 3
Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 3 - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

Ah.. at last! the last Southpark tutorial! This one finishes up with creating the body and adding some accessories and shows you how to add and use color styles. While this is a really basic construction of how to make a southpark like character, I think it gives you a really good start if you're wanting to make some southparkish toons! I also wanted to take the time to thank my subscribers and anyone and everyone who has been watching my videos! I've been trying to really build my channel over the last year and a half and I'm amazed at the support that you guys have given me! As a thanks if you'd like this anime studio 11 file just send me a message on face book (just look for poptoogi) and I'll send it to you just so you can see how its constructed and if you want to get a head start on these LONG a$$ tutorials!

Fighting Scene in Anime Studio
Fighting Scene in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is not a how to create a specific fight sequence in Anime Studio but rather some tips, tricks and techniques that will allow you to create certain movements and interactions with more than one character.

It goes over using cycles to create jumping, perpetual motion, additive cycles, the use of onion skins to help make walking movements, hot to create a punch and reaction and using reference layers to create different depths for individual parts of each character.

Making a tutorial on creating an actual complete fight scene would take days if not weeks to cover everything so think of this as more of a tips video than anything else!

If you've never created a character in Anime Studio before I suggest you watch my tutorials for designing a character and the AT-AT walker to see how to rig a character and how to use target bones. The character design tutorial also covers how I make a face rig too!

If you're looking to make a much more complex type of fight scene, look up frame-by-frame animation and fight scenes on youtube. There are a few great tutorials on the subject and don't pass up the flash ones as the principal is the same!

Showing tutorials 11 to 15 of 15