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Found 185 results for intermediate
Create Better Looking Animations with Color Points
Create Better Looking Animations with Color Points - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
18 February 2018

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make your existing animations look even better using a feature called Color Points. Shout out to Troy Picou for discovering the potential of this tool!

light speed or warp jump effect in Moho
light speed or warp jump effect in Moho - Anime Studio Tutorial
9 June 2018

This tutorial shows you how to use a single dot to make a moving star field and also how to use one line to create a space warping effect like that used in Star Wars or other types of sci-fi movies. They both are really simple and just use the rotation of particles in 3D space to make them work.

Control Bones from parent layer
Control Bones from parent layer - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
4 July 2018

Script by dkwroot
Made available on the Lost Marble Forum

This script allows you to control bones within a child bone or switch layer from a parent layer.

Spinning Globe Effect in Moho Pro
Spinning Globe Effect in Moho Pro - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018

As you can see by the beginning intro this tutorial will show you how to create a spinning globe effect in Anime Studio/MOHO with the help of clipping masks and a little bit of cycling animation. You'll learn how to use group folders to use masks as well as how to recolour a .png file that has a transparency. It's pretty simple but really effective.

If you'd like to help support this channel and also get characters and artwork for your animations, check out my Patreon channel at

Rag Doll Physics on a character
Rag Doll Physics on a character - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018

This is another physics-based tutorial in which you learn how to add physics to your character inside of an animation. You need to have the pro version of Anime Studio pro (at least version 9 I think) or MOHO 12 pro in order to use the built in physic engine.

This tutorial is easy to use but the results can vary widely due to the fact that physics animations just do what they want but that's the fun part! Playing with just a couple of settings can really change the outcome of your animations in just seconds. Sometimes they look great and sometimes they can be a twitchy mess. But if you looking for a fun easy way to automatically generate a character falling or have an object to explode, physics is the way to go!

Just play with it and have fun! Couple of things to REMEMBER, you need to have bone strength turned on for a rigged character to have physics applied to it. Also, while a character is being affected by physics you can NOT animate it! Pose your characters before and after physics is turned on!

Animated hoodie for your characters
Animated hoodie for your characters - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018

Hey everyone, this tutorial just shows you how to create a hood for your characters by using two different layers that are bound to one bone and then how to add a smart bone action to it as well.
It's very easy to do and doesn't take too much time. I'm just long-winded in my explanations sometimes.

How to create a reference background
How to create a reference background - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018

Here is another background tutorial I made using a screenshot reference and a couple of perspective lines to recreate a cartoon background. I know it's long but you'll get the gist of it in the first 10 to 20 minutes.
I kept it in real time so you could see how long backgrounds can take sometimes even when you're only using them for a few seconds of animation.

How to make eyes automatically follow an object
How to make eyes automatically follow an object - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019

Hey, what's up, everyone. So this tutorial is really, really simple but it also is really useful and could potentially save you a LOT of time when it comes to having your characters make eye contact or look at moving objects in general.
The tutorial teaches you how to create a simple eye rig and use the targeting function to have the pupils look directly at an object at all times.
It only takes a minute or two if you construct and again it will save you a lot of time so you don't have to keep keyframing eye positions! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, leave a comment down below!
If you'd like to help the channel you can check out more of my videos or suffer through and watch an ad (every little bit helps smile

Techniques for creating light and shadow effects
Techniques for creating light and shadow effects - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019

This is another "sort of" lighting and shadow tutorial. I probably could make a whole series on just lighting effects but I think these, in particular, are pretty useful and easy to do.
The first technique I show you is how to use just a simple cut out shape to create a spotlight. I've made a tutorial about this before but it's a good refresher.
The second little technique is creating shadows for a moving character. Yes, you can use the built-in shadow effect but this video shows you how to create a shadow that's a little more dynamic so you can place it anywhere you like.
And the last technique is creating police lights or flashing lights. It's just a little more tricky because it involves some masking and changing layer blending modes, but once you get it

Back to the Future Effect in Moho
Back to the Future Effect in Moho - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019

Hey everyone! So as the video says, I was taking WAY too long to create a cartoon intro for this video so I thought I'd better just split it up and show you the whole animation later. However, I don't want to have such a huge gap in time between uploads so I needed to put something up so I just did this first part showing you a couple of special effects on the car before it time jumps. This is just part one, showing a kind of electrical flame burst at the front of the car and then some cool trace lightning effect. It's just part one of the tutorials and I'll be making another one showing you how I make the car disappear, some spark effects and how to make a fire trail left by the tires.
You need pro versions of the program to use particles and whatnot so just be aware!

Showing tutorials 171 to 180 of 185