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Found 1 result for Marvel
How to create the classic Marvel movie intro
How to create the classic Marvel movie intro - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

So "Avengers End Game" is coming out today so I thought I'd do a tutorial on making the classic Marvel movie intro using Anime Studio!
Yes, this could be done in other programs but I wanted to show you guys that text effects can be done fairly easy directly in the program and can be modified to suit your subject matter.
I'm going to start making other text themed tutorial so if you guys have any ideas on what you'd like to see let me know!
For any Patron's reading this, I'll be sending you the file soon so you can see exactly how it's constructed.
There are a lot of fading in and fading out keyframes that I had to fiddle with to make it look exactly how I wanted so you can see where I put them in.

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