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Found 3 results for Pupils
Basic Eye Rig
Basic Eye Rig - Anime Studio 9 Tutorial
5 October 2012AnimeStudioTutor

This tutorial shows one way to set up a basic eye rig in Anime Studio, using bones and masked layers.

Using the 'Bone Offset' tool the pupils can be moved quickly with ease.

There are two examples:
1. Pupils on one masked layer - Pupils can cross over to the other eye
2. Pupils split into two masked layers - Pupils can't cross over

How to create a UNIVERSAL eye rig
How to create a UNIVERSAL eye rig - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

In this eye rig video tutorial I am going to show you how to create a simple eye rig that you can reuse multiple times and change up to whichever style you would like.

In this tutorial we will cover:
- Masks
- Smart Bones
- Control Bones
- Simple Animations

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How to make eyes automatically follow an object
How to make eyes automatically follow an object - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

Hey, what's up, everyone. So this tutorial is really, really simple but it also is really useful and could potentially save you a LOT of time when it comes to having your characters make eye contact or look at moving objects in general.
The tutorial teaches you how to create a simple eye rig and use the targeting function to have the pupils look directly at an object at all times.
It only takes a minute or two if you construct and again it will save you a lot of time so you don't have to keep keyframing eye positions! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, leave a comment down below!
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Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3