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Found 1 result for Twos
Animating in twos in Moho/Anime Studio
Animating in twos in Moho/Anime Studio - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
7 March 2018Víctor Paredes

With the inclusion of intervals inside AS, we have the option to animate on 2s, 3s or whatever interval we want.
I always liked this feature, but I wasn't able to get good results with it. Now I finally got an idea to get good animations in 2s and want to share this "tutorial" with you.
The difference between animating on 1s (each single frame has animation) and animating on 2s (the movement holds each two frames) could seem subtle, but it opens a lot of possibilities, gives more control over the animation and also and gives the movement another -less computational- rhythm.
Please watch the video and give feedback here:

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