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Found 4 results for Warping
Adventures in Smart Warp
Adventures in Smart Warp - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017Funksmaname

I show you some tricks, warts and all, to do with Smart Warp... I left in some confusing parts and how I dealt with them as this might be useful for your (and me) in the future smile

light speed or warp jump effect in Moho
light speed or warp jump effect in Moho - Anime Studio Tutorial
9 June 2018ShoNuff93

This tutorial shows you how to use a single dot to make a moving star field and also how to use one line to create a space warping effect like that used in Star Wars or other types of sci-fi movies. They both are really simple and just use the rotation of particles in 3D space to make them work.

Curve Profile
Curve Profile - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
17 June 2012Funksmaname

A couple of uses for the Curve profile tool...
Discuss here:

The reason the shape moved so much when i moved that point was because it was the first point I drew when creating the shape - so it uses this shape origin as the starting point for wrapping the profile. Moving other points causes much less warping

Smart Bone and Smart Warp
Smart Bone and Smart Warp - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Learn how to take your rigging skills to the next level with these new features in Moho Pro 12. Smart Bones + Smart Warp = Awesome!

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Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4