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Picture Book made in Moho Pro 12
Picture Book made in Moho Pro 12 - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017Stayf Draws

How to Animate a Picture Book in Moho Pro 12 Using Original Illustrations. I animated my own picture book Little Angel using Moho 12. The movie is available as a movie and on iBooks with the movie included.

Little Angel on iBooks
Little Angel Movie on Vimeo:

When you want animate a picture book in Moho (formally known as Anime Studio) you first need to edit the original illustration in Photoshop. First you need to decide which parts of the scene need to be animated. Then make different layers of the characters you want to animate. If you want to use dialogue in the scene you will need different mouth shapes. When you have finished in Photoshop export your file as a PSD. Then you can import the PSD in Moho. Choose individually, then all of the layers will be exported separately. Then you can setup your character, using bones. Or for simpler animations you can also animate with the transform tool. Photoshop I did all the editing of the illustration in Photoshop 2015 and I am now using Photoshop 2017. Photoshop is part of Adobe Creative Cloud. It is available in the total Creative Cloud plan, or you can choose to go for a single license.

How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes
How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017Stayf Draws

Moho Anime Studio: How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes In this video I explain how to animate a flame in 5 minutes using bones in Moho. I import a PSD files with the background, the Flame and the glow. I will animate the flame and the glow and loop the animation in Moho. You can do this in 5 minutes!

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