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Found 3 results for clothes
Customizing your clothes for your character
Customizing your clothes for your character - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

If you have used my tutorial on making a character or you have MOHO 12 you may have wanted to make your own custom clothes or you just wanted to tweak something that's already there. This tutorial is to show you how to do that and save time on character creation without having to do a lot of re-rigging or re binding.
It's meant to be pretty easy to do so if you have any questions or comments just leave them down below and thanks for watching!

Making Cloth
Making Cloth - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick 5 minute tutorial on how to simulate cloth movement in anime studio. It's a pretty simple concept but very effective. You can fine tune the technique to make very realistic clothes for characters, flags, capes ect.

Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 2
Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 2 - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

So here is the second part of making a SouthPark character, you guys. I apologize that it's so long but I try not to edit my videos so you can see how long it actually takes me to do something. I have one more part to go and I hope it's not too long but once it is done you'll hopefully know how to make any type of Southpark character pretty easy.
Keep in mind this is just how I would do it. I'm sure there are several ways to make characters like this but this is just the way I came up with.
The next video I'll be making clothes accessories and just showing how to move the character around!
I know some of you aren't Southpark fans but there are still some good tips and tricks that you can learn from this. The main one being about group layers and swapping out accessories. Anyway, hope some of you find this useful and if you have any questions leave them down below or write to me at

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3