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Found 2 results for gravity
Simulated Physics Feature
Simulated Physics Feature - Anime Studio Pro 7 Demo
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

One of Anime Studio Pro's new features: Simulated Physics Set the density, gravity, friction and springiness of objects and see how they collide!

How to use physics in Anime Studio
How to use physics in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 May 2016ShoNuff93

Probably one of the least used, best kept secrets of Anime Studio is the EXTREMELY powerful physics engine that can be used to create animations! This tutorial just covers the basics of physics but only scratches the surface of what you can to with it!

You can create crumbling buildings, breaking glass, destructible environments and debris, impact objects like bowling pins, rag doll characters... the list of possibilities goes on and on!

It isn't used a lot from what I've seen but hopefully those of you who see this find this useful and start using it more and more! It is extremely fun to play around with and with the right imagination could be really useful in practical animations!

Showing tutorials 1 to 2 of 2