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Found 3 results for holes
Tip 7 Holes In Shapes
Tip 7 Holes In Shapes - Anime Studio Tip
11 October 2015McCoy Buck

In this quick tip McCoy takes you through Anime Studio Pro 11 to show you how to make holes in your shapes using 3 different examples!

How to make portals or holes in anime studio pro
How to make portals or holes in anime studio pro - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 May 2016ShoNuff93

Here is another tutorial that a few subscribers requested in regards to making holes or portals that objects can pass through. It uses the same principal as the mirror tutorial by using a mask to hide and reveal objects!

Create Shape Tool
Create Shape Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

The create shape tool allows you to easily create shapes with holes in them.

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3