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Found 3 results for patterns
Spirograph Patterns in Moho
Spirograph Patterns in Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
2 October 2017AnimeStudioTutor

Creating a spirograph effect is easy in Moho Pro 12. Using this method you can create some fun designs in no time.

Mandalas - Anime Studio Tutorial
9 December 2015AnimeStudioTutor

Learn how to create an animated mandala in Anime Studio Pro 11.

Using the new reference layer feature, it is now possible to create repeating kaleidoscope patterns that can be animated.

Introduction to the Styles Palette
Introduction to the Styles Palette - Anime Studio Overview
30 July 2013Smith Micro Graphics

Overview of the styles palette in Anime Studio.

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3