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Found 2 results for radius
Fractional Blur
Fractional Blur - Anime Studio Tutorial
2 March 2014Smith Micro Graphics

How to blur in Anime Studio Pro and Debut 10 using the layer settings.

Anime Studio Pro 9 Project Settings
Anime Studio Pro 9 Project Settings - Anime Studio 9 Pro Overview
10 August 2013Smith Micro Graphics

Chad takes us through the options in the Project Settings.

Including the output dimensions : width, height and frame rate
Background colour/color
Depth of field : focus distance, focus range, max blur radius
Render style : Fill style, stroke style, layer style and minimize frame-to-frame randomness
Sort layers by depth and Sort by true distance
Noise grain
Stereo rendering : Red/Blue Anaglyph, Side By Side (YouTube friendly), cross-eyed and eye separation
Extra SWF frame
Save as defaults and reset/restore defaults

Showing tutorials 1 to 2 of 2