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Found 2 results for switches
Animate Digital Numbers
Animate Digital Numbers - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016ShoNuff93

This is a quick tutorial on how to create and digital numbers in Anime Studio using a grid and switch layers. Although Anime Studio has a number sequencer built into it, I thought it would be nice to show users how to create their own numbers to give them practice with use of the grid and also some practice on using switch layers for something other than mouths and hands. It's fairly straight forward so shouldn't be to hard for even the novice user to follow along!

Workflow Basics Episode 2
Workflow Basics Episode 2 - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 June 2015Jared Hundley

How to Anime Studio: Workflow Basics: Character Animation: Episode 2

Continuing the illustration we completed in Ep. 1, we will learn to layer our art, figure out what vector, switch, bone, and group layers are. We will also create a bone structure and bind all of our artwork to these bones.

Episode 1 | Episode 3 |

Showing tutorials 1 to 2 of 2