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Found 2 results for trees
Forward Scrolling Background in Anime Studio
Forward Scrolling Background in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

To be honest, I'm still learning this one! I figured it out enough to make a quick tutorial but I think I'm gonna end up making an more in depth one later on because I can think of a lot of other uses for this!

As the title states though, this is a quick run through on making a forward scrolling background. It mainly uses particles to generate random elements that can be moved through 3D space without a lot of work to create the illusion!

Backgrounds With Brushes
Backgrounds With Brushes - Anime Studio Tutorial
19 February 2013AnimeStudioTutor

In this Anime Studio Tutorial, we look at how to create a background using the brush settings of a simple line.

As the line can be as long as needed, this technique is ideal for long repeating / looping designs.

This tutorial comes with help from Jorge Merino - Graphic Designer. He has also very kindly provided some sample brushes for this tutorial which can be found in the supporting content.

Click here to view FREE Anime Studio Brushes

Showing tutorials 1 to 2 of 2