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Found 9 results for Lip Sync

Lip Sync First attempt
Lip Sync First attempt
15 February 2020 causeway

My first attempt at lip sync. Too much mouth movement. Took bloomin ages to do. Moral...Have lots of animation going on to detract from noticing the mouth movements I altered the line thickness depending if the shot was a Close up. That scheme works quite well I think. Again time consuming though. .

Animate With Mike Scott
Animate With Mike Scott
16 September 2013 admin

This is the support file for this tutorial:

Sound Bars
Sound Bars
20 June 2017 admin

Switch layers can be controlled by an audio file.
Switch layer settings > Switch > Select audio sync source.

The layers are selected automatically from the bottom (quietest) to the top (loudest).

In this example, the bar has 30 layers, starting from short to long, and grouped into a switch layer which has the audio sync applied to it.
I copied this switch group 60 times to the right, offset by 1 frame, using the Delayed Layer References tool.
I then grouped them all, copied the group, flipped them downwards and moved this new group down.


A Snowman Christmas Card
A Snowman Christmas Card
23 December 2015 bigfoot

As a beginning animator, I had fun doing this short animation. smile The lip sync for the snowmen was pretty involved as the four part singing was done separately so each of the parts had a little different timing. So each part had to be lip synced separately. I guess you would not expect the snowmen to sing in perfect timing, LOL. Silent night was a first attempt of me and my daughter to sing 4 part harmony. She sang two parts and I sang two parts. Learned a lot in the process. Used bone angle targeting for the first time.

Rock Music used
"Ready Aim Fire"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Little Ariel
Little Ariel
17 July 2019 chunchunmaru

A project about a little girl in the Kurrency group

Snowman Jacks Game
Snowman Jacks Game
29 December 2017 causeway

Yes I know the bell is out of sync. I reckon by half a bong. No time to alter.

Head Rig with Interpolated Sub Layers for Lip Syncing
Head Rig with Interpolated Sub Layers for Lip Syncing
15 July 2019 sketchysquirrel

Here is a head rig that utilises sublayer interpolation for lip syncing. I have also included an explanation of the rig (as a screen capture).

Hip Hop History Lesson with animation
Hip Hop History Lesson with animation
31 January 2017 jahnocli

Hip Hop History Lesson with animation

Gangnam Style Halloween
Gangnam Style Halloween
31 October 2020 simplsam

This started from a desire to animate a Sprite in Moho and ended up with a Halloween Gangnam Dance routine.
The original gangnam sprite was from Estelle Weyl @estellevw
Some animated content derived from reference vector art images @ Freepik

Showing tutorials 1 to 9 of 9