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Found 3 results for Wild Things

The Astounding Exploits of Webster and Clay
The Astounding Exploits of Webster and Clay
6 August 2017 emdunwiddy

Two thirds of the Great Triumvirate are back in their latest adventure. A brief stopover in the middle of the forest turns into a tense confrontation as Webster and Clay battle creatures that could only be described as...

Straight out of a Maurice Sendak book!

Yes, I was so hard up for a monster idea that I used "Where the Wild Things Are" as my inspiration. Of course, my art skills are so poor that Sendak's estate won't sue me for copyright infringement, but they may come after me for defamation of character for associating his name with my animation.

Outlawed Octopus Cowboy Bill
Outlawed Octopus Cowboy Bill
22 July 2015 vokil

Once upon a time in the wild, wild West, an outlawed Octopus called Bill entered into an desert town in Mexico...

The Smell of Destiny
The Smell of Destiny
28 March 2022 neetersguy

No music media included. Available from YouTube Studio.

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