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Found 9 results for aogo

Making of my animation Mondy
Making of my animation Mondy
3 August 2013 aogo

I made this animation a long time ago with my friend, but it has no added background or music.
We do not want to finish it now, although it is a little disappointing.
I am sharing some Anime Studio files, storyboards, character designs and cell pictures.

How to make animation like me
How to make animation like me
28 July 2013 aogo

Make an animation like me. You will need more time to do it this way. You will need cell pictures which can tell you how the characters will move, then make a model in anime studio.

Pose the model to be the same as the key-frames in the cell pictures so anime studio will give you good movement.

Please watch the video to learn more:

Showing tutorials 1 to 9 of 9