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Found 2 results for armour

14 May 2019 mswaan

The classic endless four step runs from the 60s TV shows of my childhood. A lot of frame by frame using switches for characters. Each character has a transparent frame to make it disappear. All my drawings were done with a mouse. MP4s of the parts as listed were joined, to eventually make the whole. Then the background music and explosions were added.

The Wrong Fairytale
The Wrong Fairytale
28 June 2019 causeway

Trying out the new Microphone for first time. He is in armour to save bothering with any mouth movement. Had a bit of a problem wrangling the "Switch" feature. At one point in this animation she turns (5 poses in Switch) then moves her mouth (3 poses in Switch within the last pose of the turn). Then later pouts (another 5 poses in the same Mouth Switch) .

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