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Found 4 results for child

Empty Child
Empty Child
17 April 2022 macdonut

With a very loose reference to Dr Who, I just couldn't resist this one after my mate David sowed the seed of the idea by uttering the infamous, "Are you my mummy?"

The Childs Playground
The Childs Playground
28 January 2020 snapster

"The Child's Playground" made by Snapster. Baby Yoda, Mandalorian, background, and playhouse all original artwork by Snapster. Hope you enjoy!

Bouncing BallS
Bouncing BallS
20 October 2016 exobnkr

YouTube Video (gvVkF3s3YsQ) was removed by user.

Tractor using BoneWheels
Tractor using BoneWheels
5 December 2016 admin

Included is the script that made this animation possible: BoneWheels aka mk_trans_to_rotate.lua by Mike Kelley, I've also included two icons that you can use.

Script Copyright: Mike Kelley

--- How To Use BoneWheels ---
Copy the script and the icons to your custom tool folder (scripts / tool).
When the parent bone is moved with this tool, at any frame, even when not playing, then children named correctly [parent_number] will automatically rotate. For example, if the parent bone was named B1, then the child would be B1_1

Please watch Mike Kelley's video for a greater understanding on using his script:

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4