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Found 2 results for contests

9 February 2017 lorenzo809

Drawn & Animated: Vince
Marvin's Voice: Vince
Sound Effects: Youtube's creators Audio
Library. [Free to use]

Check Matey
Check Matey
5 June 2017 emdunwiddy

The further adventures of the Wisecracking Car that Solves Mysteries. A mystery is happening. Can the Wisecracking Car that Solves Mysteries and his friends solve it?

I think that I should mention here that I started entering these contests as a lark, but then I noticed something interesting. Making these silly one minute cartoons seemed to give my productivity a boost and now I'm getting more work done on my "regular" animations. So I feel like I'm coming out ahead even if my cartoons have no chance of winning! For that, I thank you!

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