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Found 3 results for dinosaur

Caveman It Will Keep
Caveman It Will Keep
26 July 2017 causeway

I enjoyed painting the acrylic backgrounds but had to add some transparency as the colours were too strong and swamped the character. He needs a cast shadow but I couldn't figure out how to make a 3D shadow.

Randy the Dandy
Randy the Dandy
23 July 2017 awbill

PNG files with bones, masks for text, masks for spray, masking for mirror, bone dynamics. A silly limerick based on the cave man theme.

The Lost Continent
The Lost Continent
8 July 2017 emdunwiddy

A retelling of the Conan Doyle novel, "The Lost World", featuring none other than the legendary American statesmen Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. Will our two heroes be able to survive in their strange surroundings? Will they even realize that they're in strange surroundings?

As an added bonus, the zip file includes the leopard skin texture that I forgot to package with my Prehistory Mystery files. So once again Og can look his best while dumping industrial solvents.

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