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Found 4 results for drop

Water drop
Water drop
28 February 2018 yamanokonza

It is an animation of water droplet using blur and threshold.
I think that it can be applied variously by changing the numerical value of particles and the layer for smart warp.

Cartoon Eye Rig
Cartoon Eye Rig
10 March 2016 admin

Created by Graeme Moodie

"Here's an generic cartoon eye rig file that I've been working on..
I thought it would be handy if you needed this kind of style, to be able to pull out this rig and drop it on a character"

Robot 3
Robot 3
31 August 2019 mattchee

Used Moho Pro 13, but had to select 12 as the version, because it was the highest in the drop down menu.

Files include Moho project files, images, audio, etc. Tried to include the Premier files where I comped it together with the audio, but it kept kicking back an error for the various file types included.

Audio Credits

lens zooming in and out.wav by Snapper4298

Calculating.wav by freedomfightervictor

and also just myself snapping my fingers.

Animated Happy Text GIF
Animated Happy Text GIF
7 March 2016 admin

Making an animated GIF image in Anime Studio is very easy.

You can change the happy birthday text to anything you like.
The shadow is a referenced layer so that text will also need to be changed.

The image uses very few colours - which is best for a GIF.
To get the best results, render a frame where all the used colours are showing, then click the 'Sample GIF colours' button in the render preview window. Then File > Export Animation > Format: Animated GIF > select as few colours as possible from the 'Animated GIF Options' drop down. It be be worth turning off dithering for better cleaner results.

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