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Found 7 results for order

Body Turn Man
Body Turn Man
26 September 2013 ahzra

Full body rotate experiment by Ahzra using bones and layer order

Head turn can be found here

Layer Sorting With Smart Bones
Layer Sorting With Smart Bones
1 August 2013 admin

*Anime Studio 9.2+ required.

As we can't yet use the 'Animated Layer Order' with smart bones, the work around is to control the layers with their Z-axis setting. In the two examples provided you will see how one smart bone moves a layer to the back or front.

The setup:
Frame 0 of the Mainline in the smart bone action (X: +0.001)
Frame 1 in the positive action of the smart bone for the layer that you need to control. (X: +0.001)
Frame 1 in the reverse action (X: -0.001)

Marbles in Jar
Marbles in Jar
5 May 2017 admin

Orestes the magician
Orestes the magician
28 February 2021 tigram

animation without smart bones actions just plain old morphs combined with pin bones

3D cars
3D cars
7 October 2015 admin

Made in Anime Studio Pro 11.1 only using layers.
There are 3 colour styles
A smart bone is used to control layer order - so you can view the car from behind.
The windows are semi-transparent, so if the view is too high, then the inside of the car will be visible, but as there are no seats this may be unwanted.

Rotating Face
Rotating Face
14 December 2018 admin

Simple demo of how to rotate eyes around a face using only layer order and no masks

Elf Character
Elf Character
1 February 2014 admin

Click here to watch Jon create this character in Anime Studio for his show 'Frank and Steve'

"Frank and Steve, an idiot and a monster. In that order. British sitcom from anime studio featured artist Jon Canham"

Showing tutorials 1 to 7 of 7