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Found 3 results for summer beach

Summer Beach
Summer Beach
14 June 2020 macdonut

The cruise ship is based on a design from as are the hula girls, although I have recreated them in MOHO. I had to learn the basics of hula dance for this animation. I've also included some squash and stretch with the beach ball. It took a bit of thought to create the tree shadows, which I admit aren't perfect as the shadows darken where they overlap. The music is a freebie from Youtube Audio Library. I've also included Sheppy from the MOHO library; the first time I've thought of using something from the library!

The first day of the summer
The first day of the summer
30 June 2020 edbernal2003

Para ver mas puedes seguirme en mi canal de youtube Virtual Tut

Pirate Character
Pirate Character
2 September 2013 admin

This Pirate character was created by grady1017

Tribes is a 5 episode cartoon series created for his church (where he works as an animator in the children's department). It was created for a 5 day summer camp entitled 'Summer Xtreme' (hence the SX logo at the beginning of each episode!). This year their theme was 'tribes' and each grade was it's own tribe:

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