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Rakitty & Bearcoon - Teaser Clip


Turns out I'm not dead! I've just been working in secret to make a really, really ambitious animation. A whole six minute long cartoon, starring these two goofs. Here is a short teaser, which gives a good example of what the entire cartoon will look like. Watercolor effects all the way!

I don't foresee the full animation being finished for at least another year, so I'll be posting some other content between now and then to keep my channel a bit less than dead. For those watching this, thank you so much for sticking with me. I'm so spiced to be showing off even this small clip - I put a lot of work into these rigs.

Speaking of rigs... this was all made in Anime Studio, which I've grown very fond of. This kind of animation wouldn't be possible in other programs. I'll be posting some tutorials, explanations, and sneak peaks featuring Anime Studio soon!

If you want more frequent updates on this project or my art in general, please follow my art blog on tumblr here:

Some credits!
Rakitty is being voiced by Adoxographist:

Bearcoon is being voiced by Rachael Messer:

and that gorrrrgeous background art was painted by Morgan Farrar:

Other than that, the characters were designed by myself and my wife Tasia, then rigged and animated by me.

Author Bill Cass
Added on the 10 Mar, 2018
2,110 YouTube views