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ME, MYSELF AND THE OTHERS (2007) TV series made with Moho (Anime Studio) [1/14]

Me, Myself and the Others

104 x 5 mins, AKA "Uffa! Che Pazienza", Motion Works, Germany

Aimed at pre-school children, is the adventures of a "gang" of animals -- including Pancrazio the lion, Leggerio the elephant, Raffa the giraffe, Luisella the tapir -- who go through life together, not without the more than occasional problem. Rai Fiction co-produced it with Motus and Enanimation and the German Motion Works.

Episodes were split between several studios, each of them having a different pipeline.
Episodes done by Motionworks were done in Anime Studio.
Episodes done by other studios was done with Toon Boom
Adobe Illustrator was used for background art.

Credit: slowtiger



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