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Welcome Summer! animated digital card for SmithMicro and Anime Studio Pro


The people of SmithMicro software, creators of Anime Studio, asked me to create several animated cards to show the power of their fantastic software. This is the fourth of them and it's animated and composed completely on Anime Studio Pro 8.2

La gente de SmithMicro Software, creadores de Anime Studio, me pidieron que creara una serie de tarjetas animadas para mostrar el poder de su bonito software. Ésta es la cuarta y la animación y la composición están hechas completamente en Anime Studio Pro 8.2
Welcome summer. Está lloviendo acá abajo.

Direction, script, animation and composition: Víctor Paredes
Design and Art direction: Mario Quiñones
Sound design: Pedro Santa Cruz

Author tazatriste
Added on the 19 Dec, 2013
7,983 YouTube views