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Juridisch Loket "collection fees"


this is an explanimation about how to handle in case of collection fees. This was a project for: "Juridisch Loket".

Client: "Keyframe Productions"

Michael has bought a new television, but forgot to pay it. Michael receives a letter about the expiration of the payment deadline and he wonders why and if he has to pay collection fee. This animation explains what he should do and how he can see if the extra money he has to pay is the correct amount.
Created, directed and animated by: Paulo Dekkers,
Animation: Paulo Dekkers
Animation Studio: Kasuja Animation.
Software: Anime Studio Pro, Final Cut X

Producer: TamTam & Keyframe Productions
Executive producers: Keyframe Productions.
Music: --
Sounddesign and mix: --

Copyright: Keyframe Productions, Kasuja Animation. All rights reserved.

Added on the 31 Jan, 2015
255 Vimeo views