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Low Season (2017-18) TV series made with Moho (Anime Studio) [12/14]

Low Season Animation

13 x 11 minutes, AKA BAIXA TEMPORADA, LUVA, [not yet released]

LOW SEASON tells the story of three friends, Lolly, a hyperactive rocker owl, Ball, a withered nostalgic soccer ball, and Cid, a curious scrap robot, all living in an empty summer house at Nemo Beach. To ward off boredom they decide to form a rock band, getting into a hard but also very funny musical journey. Each episode will feature a new song/composition. All the little dramas in the life of a musician will feed the humor of the series, and despite of their disparate personalities, their friendship will strengthen over each crazy adventure.

Target Audience: 9 to 12 years old

drummer gig



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