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Found 3 results for Mesh
Smart Mesh an Arm and make it a smart action
Smart Mesh an Arm and make it a smart action - Moho (Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017Funksmaname

How to use the smart mesh to bend an arm.

Adventures in Smart Warp
Adventures in Smart Warp - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017Funksmaname

I show you some tricks, warts and all, to do with Smart Warp... I left in some confusing parts and how I dealt with them as this might be useful for your (and me) in the future smile

Smart Warp and Follow Path
Smart Warp and Follow Path - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
5 November 2017Víctor Paredes

Using smart warp layers with the follow path tool, Víctor Paredes shows us some new possibilities.

Shared file that uses this method: Goldfish in bowl

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3