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Found 4 results for imported images
Automatic Image Tracing
Automatic Image Tracing - Anime Studio Pro 8
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

Anime Studio Pro 8 can automatically convert imported images into vector objects that can be edited within the program. This digitising can save a lot of time.

Advanced Smart Warp Theory: Soft tissue vs Contour
Advanced Smart Warp Theory: Soft tissue vs Contour - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017Funksmaname

I've come up with a technique to separate soft tissue and contours for finer control of each independently - this isn't super complex, but moves fairly fast, rambling in places, and has some potentially confusing parts - hopefully you get the idea! Let me know.

Anime Cell Animation
Anime Cell Animation - Anime Studio tutorial
29 July 2013a244233256

See how Aogo has used Anime Studio with pre-drawn cells.

Once imported, he has used the scanned images to define key points in the animation, then used Anime Studio to produce the inbetweens / tweening.

Download the Anime Studio file here!

Real Time Media Connection
Real Time Media Connection - Anime Studio Pro 8
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

Real Time Media Connection automatically updates image, movie and audio files in your imported Anime Studio files when edited in an external program, allowing you to make the necessary changes on the fly.

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4