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Found 50 results for 3d layers

Silly Bird
Silly Bird
25 March 2018 causeway

Fed up with setting up a whole bunch of layers for each "Bird" position. I made a separate file with all these layers on (But no drawings) and copy/pasted those layers every time I needed a new bird drawing.

70 Dominoes
70 Dominoes
30 November 2016 spider

I used 70 D layers, I would have used more, but Moho just got too slow.

3D Coffin
3D Coffin
2 November 2013 admin

D coffin made from extruded layers in Anime Studio - With animation

Smoke Effect
Smoke Effect
16 June 2015 admin

Created by chunyang
Two particle layers with different masks create the effect.

50 Snowflakes
50 Snowflakes
10 December 2017 admin

50 different snowflakes designed in Moho Pro 12
They were created with the use of reference layers.

3D Plant
3D Plant
10 April 2016 admin

This was a silly experiment using D layers and particles.
You can download the file used to create the video but Anime Studio wasn't happy to create this and did crash on me several times. The render time was also more than 12 hours!

Flowing Water Particle layer tricks
Flowing Water Particle layer tricks
14 September 2022 bryang

Tricks with particle layers and animating flowing water.

[email protected]

3D City Buildings using photos
3D City Buildings using photos
3 May 2013 admin

D Buildings created with photo layers

Sound Bars
Sound Bars
20 June 2017 admin

Switch layers can be controlled by an audio file.
Switch layer settings > Switch > Select audio sync source.

The layers are selected automatically from the bottom (quietest) to the top (loudest).

In this example, the bar has 30 layers, starting from short to long, and grouped into a switch layer which has the audio sync applied to it.
I copied this switch group 60 times to the right, offset by 1 frame, using the Delayed Layer References tool.
I then grouped them all, copied the group, flipped them downwards and moved this new group down.


Manikin Model
Manikin Model
25 September 2015 admin

Made 100% in Anime Studio using D layers.
Not perfect, but gives you an idea of possibilities.

Note: Anime Studio is not really D software - it's 2D software that can move layers in a D space, and as such, this manikin is very limited in movement.

*I noticed after uploading that the far hand was in shadow! This could be corrected with a slight turn of his hand.

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 50