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Found 2 results for add a keyword

The fearful fish
The fearful fish
17 September 2014 valeru

Be kind with the comments please (if any), I am just a begginer.
I know, there are lots of details missing here (bubbles, sound...), and the timeline is a mess, lol, but there are still lots of tutorials I must watch and learn grin

this is a little animation I did for the competition
this is a little animation I did for the competition
5 June 2015 venomdj2011

This is a little animation i did for the competition, but I couldn't do on time.
Please if you see or know something that I did bad please tell me, I want to be better at animation.
Por favor si ustedes ven o sabe al que hice mal por favo diganmelo para mejorar, quiero ser mejor en la animacion

Showing tutorials 1 to 2 of 2