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Found 3 results for aeroplane

3D Biplane
3D Biplane
20 August 2017 admin

This is a reproduction of Matthew Cruickshank's animation that was used to celebrate the 125th birthday of Bessie Coleman on Google.

This version was made 100% in Moho Pro 12 using 3D layers.

Paper Airplane
Paper Airplane
7 July 2017 admin

A simple paper airplane controlled by two smart bones.
This uses just shapes in one vector layer.

Spatial Positioning Sound
Spatial Positioning Sound
7 November 2016 admin

Created in Moho Pro 12.1 - Even the 3D toy plane!
This example shows how you can control the sound position from within Moho.

The audio volume was changed to match the Z axis, but the left and right levels are automatically set by moving the audio layer left and right within the animation.

The 3D plane has a copy for the shadow, and both follow a path for the animation.

If you open the audio layer's properties window, and change to the Audio tab, you should find 'Spatial positioning' checked to enable this feature. Here you can also set and check the audio level.

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3